Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm not a perfect person

What is the perfect person like?  Is it the selfless caring person?  Always ready to lend a hand or help financially.  Or do we call this person an enabler?  Is this the person keeping the ones they help in "victim" status?  Is the perfect person the encourager?  Always rooting for you to "do your best!"  Or is the perfect person the guy reminding you this isn't your battle?  Reminding you to take a step back.  Cut your losses.  Is the perfect person the friend always available to hear your tale of woe?  You never need to work things out for yourself.  She has the answer or the shoulder to cry on or the nodding assent.  Or does she tell you to suck it up!  Get over it!  Don't be such a baby!  Which is the perfect response?  Is the perfect person organized and orderly?  Is the perfect person a disorganized person?  Is the perfect person great at sports?  Is he a fine physical specimen?  Or, is he average and let's you feel OK about yourself because you're average, too?  Does the perfect person accept whining?  Does she accept lying?  Does she accept "forgetting to call you back or return your book?"  Does the perfect person forget about the unpaid loan and chalk it up as a gift?  Do perfect people get crabby?  Do they say the wrong thing at the wrong time?  Do they only say the right thing at the perfect moment?  Does the perfect person earn enough money to live a perfect lifestyle?  Or does a perfect person live within his means and require his family to do the same?  Does a perfect person feel compassion for those living outside their means?  Or does he resent their greed?  Does a perfect person cook healthy meals for the family?  Or does a perfect person order pizza?  Is a perfect person an artist?  Or is a perfect person an accountant?  Can an artist be an accountant?  Can an accountant be an artist?  Which is a perfect combination?  Does a perfect person have unshakable faith?  Or does a perfect person work their faith out daily with fear and trembling?  Does a perfect person attend church every Sunday?  Or does a perfect person take a "day of rest" and rest?  Does a perfect person need other people?  Do they need to have a friend?  Or do they need to be a friend?  Does a perfect person have all the answers?  Or does a perfect person keep their mouth (and blog) shut and pose the question for consideration?  Is a perfect person real?  Does this perfect person exist?  Is there a list of qualities and characteristics for the perfect person?  I wonder.

When I went out to my car to go to lunch, just after posting this post, The Reason was the song that came on the radio in my car.  It makes you say, hmmm?


  1. perfect is a myth sold to make us feel like we need more or is in recognizing we are not we find the freedom to be that true friend or love...

  2. Oh perfection-how I long for thee! My husband however is very glad that I'm not perfect as he equates perfection with boring. :) 

  3. maybe the perfect person is simply comfortable in the fit of his/her skin.  comfortable with how God made her. . . knowing she is always in a process of being refined, but okay with the process of getting there?  

  4. I don't know if it's being perfect of not, but I aspire to be happy because when I'm happy, I'm a nice person to others and also to myself. I aspire to be non judgemental and to sincerely accept people the way they are and to have compassion. To not blame anyone (including myself) for whatever I think goes wrong.

  5. I wanted to say that  a perfect person is me but then I read on. Shucks. I thought I was winning! 

  6. Thanks for reminding me of that song - my nieces were talking about a song by "Cubastank" once and when I told them it was "Hoobastank" they were astounded that I would know that.  :)  I guess if I was more a perfect person, I wouldn't have corrected them. 

  7. Love this, and the questions it brings up.  Thank you.

  8. Or maybe we're all perfect people? Perfect as long as we are who we are and accept that? Well, then again, I guess that makes me very much not perfect, since I don't do the accepting very well. Thanks, as always, for your honest heart.

  9. dear friend, i think the perfect person is someone who recognizes their imperfections and lives humbly in that recognition. :)

  10. Really knowing I am loved by God, in all my weakness of my flesh, but my heart longing to know Him who is perfect Love casting out all fear. That makes me perfect. Not in the sense that I do everything right, say the right things all the time but because I dare to trust Him who is perfect.  One of the things that really set me free about "being perfect" was asking God to order my day, then just flowing and going. Not taking my spiritual pulse and asking God how am I doing, but trusting Him that when I asked He answered. Do my days look perfect to others or even to myself, not really, but then I didn't ask myself, I asked the Lord!

  11. perfect people are boring!!!  ;)


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