
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My top TEN blog posts of 2011

I'm distracted with the things the mom of the family is tasked with at Christmastime.  I'm sending out my Christmas cards (btw, if you'd like one sent to you through snail mail, just email your postal addy and I will be happy to send you one), baking cookies (yes, I did do some baking.  there was much cussing and unhappiness, but it got DONE), wrapping gifts (I have no idea why one must have ovaries to accomplish this task, but there you have it), and cleaning up the house as needed.  So...

I found a blog encouraging bloggers to post their 10 most popular blog posts of the year as a blog topic at the Holiday Season (aka as Christmas, but I have readers from all over the world and I don't want to alienate anyone).  The following are links to my most popular blog posts and I added the reason I think they were so popular.  Of course, I don't actually KNOW why, so the reason for the popularity will be merely conjecture on my part.  Please enjoy.

Three blogs I love
This is a blogging trick one can use when the blogger cannot come up with an interesting topic.  Instead, the blogger can choose other bloggers who write wonderful blogs and share them with the world.  I still like these bloggers very much.

I'm not a perfect person
I was searching my soul to discover the difference between being good and being perfect.  I don't want to be a perfect person.  I don't think the monster exists.

What is church
I hope this post was popular because of all the seekers out there in the world.  I know I was seeking a church and trying to figure out what church meant to me and whether I wanted it or not.  Maybe others were seeking as well.

56 similes found in the Post or hs student papers (or neither, but they're still hilarious)
A blog post picked up off the internet that made me laugh so hard I felt I needed to share the joy.

My great expectations
I think this is a popular post among high school students looking for a book report on the Dickens classic of the same name.  I hope they learn something about integrity when they find this post, but I'm thinking they just move on to the next.

15 Adult Truths
These truths were found on my Google+ feed.  It was actually 23 adult truths, but I thought these 15 were the funniest, so I posted them.  Hence, another time when I was stuck for a blog post and needed some help.  I'm glad so many people liked it.

Gratitude 101
I hope the reason for the popularity of this post is a desire for increased gratitude among people of the world.  Or maybe, it may be me riding the coat tails of the VERY POPULAR Ann Voskamp's blog.

Happy Birthday to my son
This one seems fairly obvious to me.  People are searching for birthday ideas and find my post by mistake.  I loved writing this post.  I hope, some day, my son decides to read my blog and finds this post.  It's the reason I have the list of my Top Posts on the blog.  It there just so he will see it some day.

I took an arrow in the chest
The guess for the reason of the popularity of this blog is, I believe, the image I used at the bottom of the post.  Evidently this must be some kind of Boy Scout badge.  I think I've disappointed a lot of scout leaders in their search for a badge.  I do like the post.  It was a turning point in my pursuit of my goal to learn to say nothing when there is nothing to be said to help a bad situation and speaking will only make it worse.

My MOST popular post - Stuff love
The only thing I can guess regarding the enormous popularity of this post is the possible link to porn and self love, aka as Junk love.  I don't think this many people are actually cleaning out their closets.  I see Self Storage facilities popping up everywhere I go.  People, in general, LOVE THEIR STUFF.
Oh. that may be the reason!  Maybe they didn't see I was using the Sarcasm font.


  1. smiles...i remember many of these...and i promise i was not looking for porn when i read that one a wonderful holiday

  2. It's amazing the things that drive traffic to posts.  Hope you are enjoying the holidays so far in spite of the busyness. 



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