
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas tree haiku

Bare tree with baubles
Silver icicles drip down
Can you see the cross?


  1. yes...always the Cross...the centerpiece anytime of the year....Merry Christmas...

  2. I can.:) Merry Christmas to you and yours!! 

  3. smiles...i sure hope so....nice haiku

  4. A short message with so much weight. We all need to see the "Christ" in Christmas.

  5. You say baubles, too? I thought that was a British-ism! I don't know about the cross, but I was by St. Pauls Cathedral today and there was a bare tree in bare white light sitting on a landing on the cathedral. I don't know if it was bare and high-up because that was artistic choice, or if it was because of the "occupiers" below, but I just thought it was the most beautiful thing ever: bare tree, white light, the Church. So I guess that's the picture of the cross I'll have this week.

  6. thank you for this. i will see the cross, now, when i look at my tree... merry christmas friend!

  7. I have British friends, too.  Sometime you all rub off on us Yanks.  Although, not nearly as much as you rubbed off on Madonna.  *snort*


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