
Friday, September 2, 2011

Progress and a positive attitude returns

Two roofing experts have told me I do not have to have all the drywall in my son's room replaced.  I just have to repair the holes I put in the drywall to allow the water to  escape.  Wow, this is super good news.  I'm still waiting to hear back from the roofing experts to discover the estimates on repairing my roof.  So far, so good.

We will continue to take each day as it comes.

As I type this post, my husband is on the roof.  He is nailing plywood down, sealing the plywood with roofing tar, covering it with roofing felt and then he will nail shingles to the whole thing.  This is the mother of all roof patches.  I will feel so much more secure with this patch, rather than a blue plastic tarp.  I just love him.

Anyway, my family is moving forward in the recovery of our home security after hurricane Irene.  Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.  I am feeling more hopeful than I've felt in 5 days.  My readers are the BOMB.


  1. Oh good!  I'm glad things are looking up and that you're smiling!!  :)

  2. glad things are looking up for you! and hope that keep moving that direction...enjoy the weekend!

  3. It's a long way from smiling to enjoying.  Thanks for the encouragement.

  4. Hi Happygirl,

    I didn't even know you were going through this. Your husband is a good husband!

  5. Ferdinand von GötzenSeptember 3, 2011 at 9:48 PM

    Hey, I just started a new blog to make people happy and help them through their troubles. I'm working on a post in which i want to figure a few interview with different people concerning happiness and the key to it.

    Please don't view this as some random advert cause it really isn't, I seriously need some people, just to answer a few question by email that  will include in some of my posts.

    I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out, so if you are up for it just email me:

    My blog:

  6. So glad things are better, hg.   And who's that boycotting women guy?  :)  That's funny that he would come to an American woman's blog and post that. 

  7. When things overwhelm me, I take the same attitude as you mentioned...each day as it comes.

  8. Glad to hear that you are on the road to recover with your roof :) Nice to know that something good can come from the after effects of the hurricane that came through! Stay strong, and be positive :)Cheers

  9. Good for you! Sometimes progress might be slow, but that roof will be fixed! So far, so good. So stray strong! It looks like you have someone very reliable to help out with the repairs, and that's very good indeed.

  10. So glad to hear things are looking up!  I too hate to live in mess.  I think I was crabby all last summer when we had to do major home repair after a smoke damage problem caused by yours truly leaving food cooking and forgetting about it when I left the house.
    Anyway, so thankful you and yours are all ok.

  11. I think I would do an interview. I looked at your blog and I think we are in the same genre. I'm taking a bit of a break, but email your querying and I will send you my answers

  12. I am glad that the repairs, even those that are temporary, are being made.  Hurricane Irene created a big mess.  I'll be glad when this hurricane season is over.

  13. Many homes were destroyed by Hurricane Irene.  Some even had their roofs blown away to far places.  It's nice that you guys are moving on.  Though it may take time to fully recover, I'm sure that you will be able to rebuild your home and enjoy spending time with your family there.

  14.  Thanks for reading.  We have a new roof now and things are getting better.  :)


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