
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I'm trying so hard to get a week's worth of work done in two days.  I'm going on vacation tomorrow.  It couldn't be a worse time to go away.  Work is so busy.  I've got two HUGE meetings to get ready for.  I sent out meeting materials for the meetings and I spelled satellite like this.


Seriously?  I didn't catch this misspelling in the document.  And, dang microsoft word doesn't catch misspellings when you use all CAPS.  I'm so embarrassed.  I sent this document to all the college trustees, the president and all the VPs.  It's pretty humiliating.  I didn't even see it.
On the up side.  It rained most of the night last night and the patch kept the rain out of the house.  And, I'm going on vacation tomorrow.  I'm going to have a good time, anyway.


  1. We all do things like that, and worse. I hope your vacation's AWESOME!

  2. I'm pretty sure that the billboard is worse then your minor typo. Anus, vs angus..would be a nice big fat firing. Yours is forgiveable. Should be forgiveable. We are human. It's going to be okay!!! Hugs!

  3. I'll bet they've made a typo or two along the way.  Have a wonderful vacation, hg!

  4. lucky you...another vacation. hope it marvelous.....

  5. have a great vacation...the will be forgotten...and it is raining lots here...2 days now...roads flooding...ack...

  6. Satelight is cute. An intentional pun, perhaps? Have a great vacation; I hope I catch you next time around!

  7. Have a great vacation.  I know the occasional type slips by me, but I am so anal about spelling. 

  8. Anus Beef!  Ha!  See, it could have been worse.

    Have a great vacation!

  9. Never order the anus beef.  :-)


  10. Enjoy your vaca and let us know all about it when you get back. Hope it's restful.

  11. LOL - How hilarious! That's definitely one I would show my college comp students if I were teaching now. They'd loved it!

    Have an awesome vacation!!!

  12. Good for you for going on a vacation on a busy time! Hopefully things will be better when you return. Ha! Hope to see pictures of your trip!


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