
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

He quit

My husband quit his job.

He's not getting another job.

He is retiring.

I was afraid of this.  I knew it was coming.  I didn't want it to come.  This is a change.  It's a scary change.  And, now it is here.  He called me on the phone while I was picking up my rental car at Chicago Midway airport.  Maybe it was easier to tell me when he wasn't looking me in the eye.  I don't think so.  Timing is everything.

My husband doesn't have to go to work, EVER!  (I'm going to have to blog about this again.  just from my new pov.)

I'm getting used to the idea of this thing called retirement.  I'm starting to wrap my head around what this is going to mean for me, for him, for our family.  Some parts of it, I believe, will be great.  My husband will have more time to work on his dissertation.  Maybe he will finally FINISH it.  On the flip side of this, we will now be paying for the classes.  These are not cheap.  But, maybe he'll FINISH it.  Then he will be able to start teaching classes.  See, I'm already planning ways to get him back to work.  And he hasn't had his last day of work, yet.  It's coming, but it hasn't come yet.  (february 24th)

It's hard for me to imagine what retirement will look like.  Of course, I'll still be getting up in the morning and going to work.  I hope I don't resent him too much.  I hope I don't accidentally jostle him awake while I'm getting up and getting ready to go to work.  But, you never know what will happen.  Maybe he will be home when I get home from work?  What am I saying?  Of course he'll be home.  I have a feeling he's going to be home A LOT.  I wonder what it will be like to talk to someone a soon as I get home from work?  I'm not expecting dinner to be ready.  He cannot cook.  Hmm, but then again, I could really use to lose a few pounds.  Maybe I should encourage some cooking.  I can't decide.  Do you think he will do the laundry?  He never has.  Will we have enough money?  This is my biggest fear.  I know my husband is a smart man.  (did I tell you he is working on his PhD?)  I know he wouldn't have made this move if we couldn't afford it.  I guess this means we are officially old.  I've always thought I was old, but now I have a retired husband to prove it.

This week I had to take all my fears to the terminal "what if."  What if my husband quits his job?  (play Law and Order "dunk dunk")  I can tell you, the world doesn't end.  The sun comes up the next morning.  I didn't actually throw up.  And, my husband told me he feels a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders and he is happier than he has been in a very long time.

I think we are going to be ok. 


  1. Wow! Big changes, Eves. His retirement date is Clementine's 3rd b-day. I'm feeling like a trip to the D.C. zoo is in my near future. Want to take a day off and see the elephant with us?

  2. Hmm.....I know what some people (not going to mention names) do when they are retired :)  He he he.....all I know is that they eat dinner before 5 most days :)

  3. I hope you can eventually see this as a wonderful new begining...for both of you. I think it will be. But I can't help but wonder the name of your blog will still be Happy Girl. Hope so!

  4. def a season of big change...and yeah you will be ok....

  5. scarey changing time. however, i do believe you shall be just fine. how wonderful he is happy. that in itself will change things under your roof. blessings on this new journey...and no YOU  ARE NOT OLD. 

  6. My BIL is retired military and he works from home as a government contractor.  Just sayin'. 

  7.  My husband still has several years before he retires, but I have already talked to him about it. I would find things for him to do. I would find him a little job if he doesn't find one for himself. One that is not stressful. I would send him out to volunteer for something. It's very clear between us that I don't want a retired husband who's just hanging out and doing nothing. There's always something to do. Get up on the roof of the RV and power wash it or something! I'm the queen of putting people to work. BUT I would absolutely give him a month or so off right after he retires. My husband's been working since he was 13 yo. He deserves one month off. ha! I told him "it's good to be active!" I'm sure your husband is going to be busy. He might end up getting up earlier than you since he's so happy now!

  8. thats a nice way to look at things.. Good luck !

  9. An exciting new phase of life...change is scary though, even good change.  

  10. Praying for this transition.  I know it will be so different and I know God will give you the patience and grace you need!  :)


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