
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012, the secret to living well

I was hoping to blog about my New Year's resolutions and changes I want to make in my behaviors, etc.  Instead, I'm going to write about the lessons I learned from falling in the shower this morning while getting ready to return to work after my 10-day break.

First of all, I heard this truth quite a few years ago.  Here goes, "The secret to living well into your old age is, Don't Fall Down."

This is the truth, people.  Don't fall down.  If you fall when you are a young person, it's annoying.  When you fall, as an older person, it is devastating.  Luckily, I didn't hurt myself too bad in this particular fall.  I'm not going to kid myself.  I'm going to be feeling aches and pains from this slip and fall for quite a while.  As I sit here in this cold room I can feel my lower back seizing up.  I can feel my left wrist beginning to hurt.  (and I don't really remember what I did to my wrist.  I guess I tried to catch myself.  hilarious.)  And, my butt hurts.  (tmi?)

What have I learned from this experience?  I mean, what's the point of surviving a near-tragic accident if we don't learn anything from it.

The first thing I learned is, clean up after yourself.  Yesterday, I took a bubble bath to relax.  I can't remember the last time I took a bubble bath, but there you have it.  At the end of the bath I thought it would be a good idea to give myself an invigorating scrub with a sea-salt/oil scrub I have had sitting by the side of the tub for longer than I can remember.  It seemed like a good idea to begin the new year by exfoliating all the dead cells from my 2011 body.  I rinsed off and let the water drain away.  I dried myself off and dressed for my small group bible study.  Here's where I made my first mistake.  I should have rinsed out the tub.  I should have cleaned all the residual oil out of the tub.  The slip and fall would have been avoided and I would be writing about exercise or dieting or smiling more often, whatever.  Clean up after yourself.  This is a good resolution to make for 2012.  It will save you a world of hurt and, seriously, all your family members (read - wives or moms) will love you all the more.  :)

Secondly, I learned I really need to strengthen my abdominal muscles.  I have to admit, I fell fairly slowly, as falls go.  Had I had stronger abs, I may not have fallen all the way to the ground.  I may have been able to catch myself and not hit bottom quite so hard.  So, here is the ubiquitous new year resolution, exercise more in 2012.  I think having a strong core can save a world of hurts.  It is certainly good for balance and supporting a lower back.

Lastly, function over form.  I don't have a non-slip bath mat in my tub because I've always thought they look ugly.  I depended on the slight texture imprinted on the porcelain bottom of the tub.  Big Mistake.  I will be going out shopping for a non-slip bath mat for my tub as soon as possible.  Form following function.  This is an architectural truism and I'm going to make it a credo in my life.  Ornamental foo-foo is not essential.  It has, in fact, become dangerous as I grow older.  As I write this, I see this lesson goes to another ubiquitous resolution, clearing clutter.  Form over function.  If it does not have a function in my home or my life, it does not need to be in my home or my life.  This year I will be ruthless in the quest for minimalism in my life. 

It seems this post has ended up to be a resolution post without even trying.  Happy New Year and a Blessed 2012 to you all.  Now, back to the grindstone, salt mine, get your ass in gear, get back in the saddle, or whatever work idiom you like to use.  The vacation is over.  :)


  1. ack...having just gone through this with my 90 year old gramma....ack....i hope you fell better...not a lot of fun...and wish you well on those resolutions...smiles.

  2. I can' t tell you how many times I've almost done this!  Rinse the tub!

  3. My mother fell two weeks ago in the bathtub and is in the hospital right now with a bulging disk - so definitely rinse that tub.  Hope you are not sore for long!  Good insights.

  4. Yep, this lesson was driven home this morning.  :)

  5. yikes! I think about this whenever I shower after my daughter. She loves to use oils and they always leave a film in there that I'm sure I'll slip on one day. Then I'll find out how strong my core is... or I could make her clean the shower after she's done. Happy new year HappyGirl!

  6. fyi...I succumbed to the dreaded non-slip mat this year too. It just made sense. Get a cute one. Mine is a bit like pebbles so I can pretend to be on the beach  :) .
    happy new resoluting happy girl. and blessed 2012.

  7. Happygirl! I'm so happy you were able to write about it! And learn the lessons from this experience. Unfortunately, living in an RV I don't get to take baths like I used to in my house. I miss my baths. I used have "beauty day" and would take long long baths as my special treat for my hard work. Now, only long showers.
    Hey! I love the new look of your blog! It looks very happy!

  8.  Thanks Mariza.  You're the first person to mention the new look.  A new look for a new year.  :)

  9. Sorry about your fall, Evie. :( Glad you didn't break anything. Glad you're still happy. I like the new blog look, too.

  10.  Thank you, friend.  I hope you are well today.  My body is not feeling as bad as I feared.  I'm praying you are getting all the comfort you need.  :)

  11. Oh dear.  Sorry to hear you fell.  I have bitten myself in the bum many a time by not finishing something and then paying for it later.  I could so relate to your bath and postpone cleaning thing.  ;)  Hope you feel better friend.

  12. Whew, the falls do hurt more than they used to.  I imagine that falling from a horse the way that I used to jump and ride, would hurt much more now.  But I do exercise and do take care to not take too many falls. They are inevitable on a boat though. 


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