
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fear Not

I heard, somewhere, that the Bible says "Fear Not" or some form of don't be afraid 365 times.  I did some research, because this just sounded too cute to be true.  I'm sorry to burst anyone's bubble out there in the blogosphere (even you blogstalkers :)) but, it doesn't.

In the King James version there are 74 fear nots and 29 be not afraids.
In the New American Standard version there are 4 fear nots, 57 do not fears, and 46 do not be afraids. 

You can check all the other translations or versions or whatever you call them, for the stats in those.

Here is my point.  This week held a lot of drama in the Happy Girl family.  One of our family received a notice that one of our members was being sued for injury claims said to have been received in a car accident.  Another of our family was considering leaving their job due to differences of values in the company.  And, our BRAND NEW roof is leaking.  There are a couple other things that happened, too.

Even though there is not a Fear Not for every day of the week, I am not afraid.  Even if God told me only once, Fear Not, I'd believe him and not be afraid.  I have nothing to fear, for if God is for me, who can be against me.  NO ONE.  Not bosses that don't have your back.  Not insurance swindlers.  Not blogstalkers.  Not rain clouds and water.  There is not one person or thing I need to fear.

The shepherds were in the fields tending their flocks and the angel of the Lord appeared to them and said "Don't be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy...a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."


  1. That's a good way to look at adversity. 

  2. It's hard not to be afraid, but looking at our past we can realize that everything has a solution. I work on looking at my past experiences every time I'm afraid and it sometimes helps me because here I am. Safe. I also like the saying "being afraid is like paying interest on debt you don't even know you have."

  3. ugh sorry you are having a tough week...glad you are not afraid though...i bet the angels sadi that cause they were though...can you image them coming busting out of the sky singing and carrying on...i would have been afraid...ok i am just being silly...

  4. I'm safe, too.  Safe in the palm of God's hand.  I like your saying, too.

  5.  I'm praying for your son's health.  :)

  6. i woulda'  been afraid of heavenly beings cuttin' up the clouds, for sure!  but they were just excited and overwhelmed, those angels!  they had such great news to share... peace on earth.  awesome.

  7. I just taught four Sunday school lessons on the subject of fear. I needed the lessons more than anyone else, I think.

  8. I am here from farmgirl paints...where I just won! yeeeha! Oh, anyway. I love your profile description. I , am not  a writer either but there are words and things I just gotta get out and blogging has been great.
    This was a great post. Fear not, I usually believe it but there are times when I let it creep in. I'll be back!!

  9.  I hope you do come back.  I'm so happy you WON!!!

  10. Sorry you are having a hard time but glad that you are not afraid!

  11. It is good that you are not in fear.  Faith and fear have such a difficult time co-existing.

  12. i read through your blogs. this is the kind of blog site i'm looking for! great articles, filled with wisdom and good insights. keep on posting. AND STAY HAPPY :)

  13. Wonderful!  I know that we will have times when we feel fear but we do not have to give into it or entertain that fear because God is our Father who provides every need we have!  :)

  14. Sometimes I know that I simply have to live life on life's terms.  I get it. 


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