
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Are you a loser?

And now for something completely different.  I wasn't too surprised at my result in the loser test.  It may be due to my lack of tattoos and sexual piercings and my penchant for professional golf, but I don't know for sure.  Feel free to take a break from your holiday baking, shopping, cleaning, wrapping, or whatever else you're supposed to be doing and find out where you stand.  After all, it's good to have confirmation.  :)


  1. Sounds like a tough test!  Stay Happy.

  2. Since I don't have tatoos or play golf...not sure if I want to see where I stand on the loser test.  Might have to go out of curiosity though.

  3. I got that 28% are cooler than me and 72% are more of a loser.  :)  I totally expected it to be higher on the loser scale because I put that sleep is the activity I most look forward to.  :)

  4. I got a 20%.  Totally cool.  Friggin' Awesome!  ;)

  5. I've always thought you were cool.

  6. I am way cooler than half the people.  But I knew that. It was fun!

  7. Yeah, I knew you were cool, too. :)


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