
Friday, November 9, 2012

The fall of the Wall

The Wall, erected in the dead of night, divided Berlin for 28 years.  An announcement to the East German people declared travel through the border to the West open this day in 1989.

People rushed to see if it was true.  The border guards, with no instructions as to what to do, let them through.

Commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall, November 9th, 1989.
I'm linking with G-man for a Friday Flash 55

676.  A surprise bushel of turnips
677.  Calm in the face of a trustee meeting
678.  Still seeking peace with a nation I no longer understand
679.  Listening to my husband speak about our son with a touch of pride in his voice
680.  Accepting the gratitude of others
681.  Green holly leaves and red holly berries beginning to show up all over the place
682.  Looking forward to my small group bible study to ponder the results of the election
683.  Crisp days and cold nights
684.  Continuing to socialize myself with cheerful people
685.  Thinking about roasting as many turnips as I could ever eat


  1. I have a friend who crawled on her belly through fields in the dead of night with her grandmother and sister to escape from Germany.  When the wall was torn down I could only think of her and the relatives she had not seen in all those years.  

  2. HG...
    I missed you girl...:-)
    Loved your story...I love turnips as well.
    (But they give me "the wind")
    Loved your wall bustin 55
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  3. I remember the day the wall fell.  It was incredible!

  4. i remember its fall as of those turning points in life that really sticks out...and part of that whole cold war time...i remember reagan calling them 55

  5. Truly an awesome day!  Thanks for the reminder.

  6. A result of intercessory prayer. Let us not forget that God moved through His prayers to tear the spiritual walls down first. The physical manifestation came after. Many never saw this as a possibility. The IRON curtain! Not strong enough to stand against the prayers of people moved by the Holy Spirit to pray and set people free. Go God!!

  7. Still amazing to think that was ever erected in the first place.  

  8. Thanks for the jolt of history. Can't believe it's been that long.

  9. I have a piece of that wall.  Amazing that it was ever there.  And I'm wondering if there is an invisible wall in this country now.  It seems so divided. 

  10. oh I remember that day.


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