
Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'm a Titus 2 older woman

Here I am, the Titus 2 older woman.  Even I can't believe I'm here.  My whole adult life I thought of myself as the Proverbs 31 woman.  I guess one can be both, but that's asking an awful lot of just one woman.  Even though the bible doesn't speak of the women as often as it spotlights the men, the verses directed towards us are chock-full of action items.

Here is a condensed version of what the Proverbs 31 woman is.  (this is the model God has for us girls.  ladies, hold on to your hats.)

The character of the Proverbs 31 woman is to be:  confident, courageous, dignified, diligent, an early riser. faithful, generous, industrious, influential, kind, moral, not lazy, observant, organized, prudent, reverent, sensible, one of strength, trustworthy, well groomed, and wise.

Her skillset is to include the textile arts, where she is to be creative, know handspinning, be knowledgeable in textiles, and have sewing skills.  She is also to be skilled in the culinary arts as the purchaser of choice foods and supervising meals.  Her management skills should include:  attention to detail, common sense, knowledge of home businesses, being a wise investor, observant, organized, taking the role of the overseer, being philanthropic, prepared, realistic, showing stewardship, being successful, teaching, and just all around wisdom.

Finally, her relationship with her husband should be one that shows appreciation for him, has his best interests at heart, be one of trust, full of praise for him, and be one of unity.

This, my friends, is a full-time job.  Oh?  What is that you say?  You have a full-time job outside of the home, too?  Just remember to take your vitamins.  Your going to need the energy.  Luckily, or not (depending on your point of view), you get seven days off each month to sit in a tent or cave on your own while you have your period.  (I hope I didn't offend anyone by saying "period,"  Especially Richard, the fb ranter of maxipad commercials.  check it out.)

One day you will wake up and discover you have become the Titus 2 woman.  Just when you got a handle on being the Proverbs 31 woman, wham, life takes a turn.  I can tell you, the day comes (about 25 years into your marriage) when the relationship with your husband has become such a close partnership that each and every one of the recommendations in Proverbs becomes as natural as breathing in and out.  You notice that you've gotten a handle on the home management thing, too.  (especially now that those sticky handed toddlers and non-driving teenagers have left the nest.)  You think you've checked the box.  But, No.  God has a new job for you.

Titus 2:3-5  "Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the Word of God."

This is my new biblical admonition.  If, by any chance, you find yourself in my shoes and have discovered you are now a Titus 2 woman, remember this; just because we are able and capable to train the younger women, that doesn't mean they're going to listen to us.  And, if by any chance, you are a younger woman doing your best to follow the Proverbs 31 model; take a moment to ask a Titus 2 woman what she thinks or how she handled some of marriage's, motherhood's and general life living situations and struggles.  Believe it or not, things have not changed that much and there may be some wisdom between those older ears.

God knew what he was doing when he wrote these two passages.  Iron sharpens iron.  Experience is an excellent teacher.  One great thing about being in fellowship with other christians is to seek out wisdom and life long experience of walking this life with Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us instead of the latest parenting trend or following the lifestyle trends of the Hollywood set.

Allow me to introduce myself as one of the newest Titus 2 women on this earth.  I know God has said (and I paraphrase), "You have not, because you ask not."  Feel free to ask me anything.  :)

Linking with Emily at Imperfect Prose on Thursday.

619.  Loving in a long marriage
620.  Raising a loving son
621.  Walking with Jesus for many years
622.  Being forgiven much
623.  Learning from Godly older women
624.  Caring about the next generation of christian women


  1. I haven't blogged (so therefore haven't read your blog) in forever.

    This is so refreshing. Thank you so much. And I think it's great that you're a Titus 2 Older woman. I'll be there soon enough myself.

    And by the way have you read "The Happiness Project" Happy Girl???

  2. smiles....we do need to raise up the next generation...and not just our own kids but those that need it as well....having a mentor like that is invaluable...

  3. Welcome to the club fellow Titus 2 woman! Glad you're back! 

  4. Great post, Happy Girl.  I have always loved the Proverbs 31 woman.  The mentoring part of being a Titus 2 woman seems a bit more challenging.  I love what you said about how so much we are encouraged to do in Proverbs becomes almost automatic by about year 25 of marriage :)  So true.  And things that might have caused an argument in those early years of marriage are now things we can just laugh about.

  5. Elaine.  Hi, it's so good to see (read?) you again.  Thanks so much for checking in on me.  :)

  6.  Isn't it funny (sad) that marriages barely last to the 5 year mark anymore.  I always encourage people to stay married.  You often bring those same issues into the next marriage.  Thanks for reading.

  7. This is great.  I never mastered being the Prov. 31 woman.  I like the Titus woman better.  Not that anyone listens to me, but sometimes, in writing, I can get somebody to think about something.  I tried to do that w/ my Fifty Shades post here: 
    Youth, sometimes, really is wasted on the young. 

  8. Actually more
    people prefer to age-gap romance, dating with older woman or younger man
    becomes normal, It is true that men tend to find older women to tolerant and
    support them. The cougar are more balanced emotionally and can even be
    protective at times. Men love to be nurtured by their lover, even mothered;
    this quality is rarely in women who are as old as them. Because they need to be
    preoccupied with their own career, so they need a person to care about their
    life and family. And older women can understand them. more information click here

  9. Love this!  I oftentimes feel like the Titus 2 woman.  I am only 33 but lived a lot of life through those years.  I work with a lot of college kids and I often feel myself mothering them.  ;)


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