
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

30 years

Thirty years ago I was 25 years old and I was getting married.

We got married at four in the afternoon and it started pouring rain just after we said, "I do" to each other.

The reception was in my parent's backyard.  300 people.  Thank goodness we had a tent.

It rained so hard.  It rained for an hour.  There was a river running through the middle of the tent.

Men rolled up their pant-legs and women took off their shoes.  My father said "F**k the rain."  I'd never heard him say that word before.

I was smiling.  I was happy.  I was turning a page in my life.  I was stepping into a new chapter and I was doing this with the man I loved.

My brother held a sheet of plastic over the bartender as he served drinks.

Everyone laughed and drank and danced.  No one went home.  Then the rain stopped and the sun shone and the water flowed away.

We all ate the food and took more pictures and drank more wine and danced more dances.

This was the first day of 30 years together.

A friend asked me if I remembered all the fights and tough times and hardships.  I guess, if I think very hard, I can remember, but it isn't what I find the easiest thing to remember.  The things that come to mind the quickest and strongest is the fun we've had.  The joy we've shared.  The successes we've had, individually and together.  These are the things I can remember.  I'm so glad.  I am blessed.

This morning it rained so hard my windshield wipers couldn't keep up with the rain.  My garage flooded.  And I remembered that 30 years ago it rained so hard on my wedding day.  And I was smiling.

Linking with Emily at Imperfect Prose answering the question, what does it mean to be blessed?

495.  Being married to my friend
496.  Smiling in the rain
497.  Celebrating our marriage
498.  Realizing the blessing of a long marriage


  1. This poat made me smile. Thanks for sharing that!

  2. i am glad you are smiling ...and in those moments making the most of the rain...happy anniversary!

  3. This is so sweet!  Happy Anniversary!

  4. I'm smiling, too.  Happy anniversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary!  I loved this post. :)

  6. So sweet. You are definitely blessed.

  7. I love your joy! Even in a rain storm, on your wedding day! I love that you smiled today, during your flooding! Wishing you continued blessing!

  8. Oh I love that! Congrats on your 30 years that started with rain and weathered the storms and knows that there is more good to outweigh the bad in your marriage.

  9. Awww love that everyone just made the best of it. Perfect parallel to life isn't it? It's not perfect but when you love someone it doesn't matter... Big Congrats! That's major!!!

  10. Awesome memories!!  300 is a pretty big wedding.  You have truly made it with 30 years!

  11. sigh :) l'amour. i love this.


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