
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

There are blessings in the rain

It can rain when you are on vacation.  Just because you dream of sunny days on the beach doesn't mean it won't rain one day.

Matthew 5:45b even says "God causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."  When Jesus speaks to those listening to his sermon on the mount, he is speaking of rain as a blessing.  God can bless whomever he chooses to bless, the righteous or the unrighteous.  If you've read my posts here and here, you'll remember I've mentioned that God isn't fair, he's good.  Rain is considered a blessing.  We shower soon to be brides and mothers with gifts.  Blessing rain down on individuals.  And it can rain pennies from heaven.  
In the verses surrounding this verse Jesus reminds us we have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’  But Jesus tells us, if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek.  And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.  Jesus goes even further and reminds us we have been told to love our neighbors and hate our enemies, but he wants us to love our enemies and pray for those that persecute you.  I hear Jesus saying, "it's all about love."

It rained on my vacation today.  Today's rain reminded me of these verses.  Today's rain reminded me about love.  Yesterday was a very sunny day.  I spent the entire day on the beach and playing in the pool and reading my book in the sun.  I've been playing in the sun for 10 days.  I am adept at using the suntan lotion by now.  You'd think by now, I'd know how to avoid a sunburn.  You'd be wrong.  Evidently I missed a couple spots on my left shoulder yesterday.  This carelessness in suntan lotion application has resulted in a bit of pain.  (yeah, I can hear you all loud and clear.  boo hoo hoo)  Today I would have been forced to avoid the sun.  Instead, God sent the rain.

Storm clouds rolling toward our part of the beach
There was thunder and lightening and the temperature dropped 15 degrees in ten minutes.  I thought of this storm as a gift to me.  Sweet relief for my sunburned left shoulder.  I wouldn't end up being the Debbie Downer drawing attention to myself and my pain.  I wouldn't have to remind myself of the careless (read cavalier) way I applied the suntan lotion.  I could sit, transfixed, on the balcony of my hotel room and watch the storm roll in.  So I did.  I reveled in the booming thunder and flashing lightening.  I ran inside when the rain shooed me off the balcony.  And then, this...

This rainbow dominated the horizon.  If the storm at just the right time wasn't enough to remind me of the goodness of God, this was.
The symbol of God's promise to Noah
Linking with Emily at Imperfect Prose on Thursdays
246.  Aloe vera gel
247.  Rainbows
248.  God's word imprinted in my memory
249.  Rain
250.  Balconies facing the ocean
251.  A day of rest (from the sun)  


  1. I always think something is wrong with me because I like rainy days.  I'm glad you enjoyed this day on your vacation and were rewarded with that beautiful rainbow.

  2.  Every day I experience on this earth is a GOOD day.

  3. oh I love watching storms coming over the ocean. Great picture..and glad you got some relief from your burn...and how sweet a rainbow...God’s gifts everywhere...have a great rest of a vacation...blessings~

  4. Really beautiful, your words, the storm clouds, the rainbow, all of it!

  5. yay you got a rainbow too...storms def are not always bad things...they bring refreshment and sometimes needed pain too...and watch that burn....

  6. I just loved this post today, and the pictures were absolutely gorgeous!  I'm one who loves the rain, and have been known to sit out in the lawn chair and just get soaking wet.  There's something about it that is so peaceful and calming to me.  The only time I don't like rain is when I have good shoes on and have to walk through puddles, etc.  Otherwise, I'm a happy camper!

  7. girl, there is so much growing happening in your heart. it is a beautiful, golden thing. love you.

  8.  yes, it's all about love. way to listen to what God is saying to all of us.

    and gorgeous photo of the storm clouds. ...

  9.  Thank you.  It really is all about love, isn't it.

  10.  I'm not typically a lover of rain, but today it was a gift to me.  :)

  11. OH you!!! Spectacular post!  and I heart  – I HEART those pictures – I NEED those pictures on my last post – can I steal them? Of course, with appropriate linkage :-). If you want to keep them – that's okay – but they are PERFECT. And the lesson – of the rain – of too much sun – of the rainbow – can't tell you how much I love how much your post dovetailed with my series. Thank you. I consider this a blessing to have read. God bless and keep you!

  12. Great post and lovely pictures!! ps...yes she is saved :0)

  13. That picture is kind of amazing. And, I love that scripture about the rain falling on the just and unjust because it's such a great reminder of the common human experience. We all will experience both good and bad in this life.

  14. What a beautiful rainbow!

  15. Beautiful photos! Hey, get a rashguard. It's easier to put on a rashgard than applying sunscreen.

  16. Oh beautiful!  I love that picture with the storm above the beach.  I always forget a certain spot and get a sunburn blotch somewhere.  :)  

  17. Love, love, love your post. I have learnt lately that your attitude is the most important thing whatever situation you are in.

  18. Storms over the ocean are the most magnificent. I just hope to not be in a bad one in my sailboat but watching from shore, they are fantastic.  


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