
Friday, May 25, 2012

I've got nothing but gratitude today

284.  My boss letting us leave early today
285.  A 3-day weekend
286.  All service members who have and are serving our country
287.  My dear friend's son who lost his life due to PTSD and the war we continue to wage this day
288.  All the experiences I had while I traveled and walked by my husband's side as he served his 20 years in the United States Navy
289.  Living near a naval air station and seeing planes flying everyday
290.  Looking forward to seeing my brother and hearing him sing with his group on Sunday
291.  Having brunch at (fingers crossed) a cool french restaurant in DC with my husband and brother
292.  A wedding of a couple in my small group bible study (they are not young, but they believe in marriage)
293.  Sleeping in on Saturday (it's tough working a whole week after taking two weeks off)
294.  Fresh asparagus (yum yum)
295.  The last of the strawberries for the season
296.  A repaired air conditioner just in time for a very hot weekend
297.  My son taking another college class after acing his class last semester
298.  Being able to wish my dad a happy 84th birthday
299.  Knowing I need new shoes and having the time to buy some
300.  For the smile on my face and the feeling that is behind it matching it perfectly 


  1. Congratulations! What a wonderful thing about your son! Things are looking good! Happy weekend!

  2. booyah on your son and  his class...enjoy that long weekend!

  3. Happy Birthday to your dad!  Have a great long weekend!

  4. So blessed to see you bubbling over with thanksgiving!

  5. I love your gratitude list. It's something we need to do every day instead of just on Thanksgiving, isn't it? :) I hope you are enjoying your three-day weekend, and please thank your husband for his service to our great nation!

  6. Oh yes, so much to be thankful for!



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