
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blogging perk

One of my readers sent me a bunch samples of her skin care line after reading this post about Tamoxifen and my skin.  I was so surprised to receive an email from a reader offering help for my sad, sad skin.  Maryclaire Mayes is the founder of Alabu skin care.  Maryclaire has no idea I'm sharing her skin care line with my readers and hasn't given me anything more than an envelope full of samples of her product.

My favorite product was her Almond Body Lotion.  The lotion was absorbed into my skin so quickly and the scent of almonds was lovely.  I love the fact that the product is truly natural and nothing artificial is used.  Another product Maryclaire shared with me was a bar of her Goat Milk Soap.  It doesn't dry out my skin as much as the commercial soap I was using prior to using the samples of her product.  My skin is much less dry and the crepe paper-like texture has much improved.  The Shea Body Butter is another luscious product.  I used it on my feet every night of my vacation.  It kept my feet looking "sandal ready" throughout the trip.  Lastly, and most surprisingly, I loved the Replenish Facial Moisturizer.  I was surprised I liked it so much because when I opened the packet I discovered the product was an oil.  I didn't think I would like it.  I thought it would make my face look oily.  I was so wrong.  My skin drank in the product and there was no oiliness on my face.  When I was thinking about how this worked, it made perfect sense to me.  Other moisturizers add water to their product and Alabu does not.  When you think about it, why do I want to pay for water?

This post is my thank you note to Maryclaire Mayers for reading my blog and for sending me the samples of her wonderful product.  Click here and check out the Alabu skin care line.  I think this girl is on to something good.  :)

317.  Wonderful readers
318.  Felling better in my skin
319.  Supporting small businesses
320.  Sharing things I love


  1. No wonder you look so happy!

  2. wow! Happy for you. How thoughtful if her.

  3. wow now that is really cool....blogging does have some perks...smiles...and hope it does well for you!

  4. That's why you look so wonderful! I love it when something just works! I'm still trying to find a solution to a problem I've been having for a year. I hope I find it soon.


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