
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Here's the thing.  Old ladies shouldn't get sick and have a cough.  I'm just saying, coughing uses way more muscles than you think.  Coughing is a dangerous activity.  I don't think there is a lady-like way to go on a coughing jag.  I pulled a tummy muscle.  Goodie, goodie, I guess I do have abdominal muscles after all.  They're just not toned in any way.  Oh, and I can tell you, I've got other muscles that aren't toned either.  And it's not pretty.  No it's not.  Tmi?  Maybe?

Yeah, this isn't the poise I need.  :)


  1. I hope you feel better soon.  

  2. just think the coughing is toning them in a way, right? smiles.

    hope you feel better....

  3.  Do you think so?  One can only hope.

  4. sure hope you are feeling better soon.  my hubba is dealing with that stuff now...I haven't gotten it yet.  I hope I don't...been in bed for 6 weeks with a pulled muscle.  Darn muscles...guess I need to work them out!  Thanks for the chuckle...I can relate! 

  5. Old ladies shouldn't laugh this hard, either!

  6. Hahahaha.  I have a family  member who has lots of stories to tell about this subject!!!!  :)

  7. "I don't think there is a lady-like way to go on a coughing jag." this is so true! People look at me funny when I cough.


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