
Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Hunger Games

I've written before, I believe blogging to be a very self-indulging activity.  I've written before, I think blogging to be a great way to learn about yourself.  Today I'm writing with the goal of learning about something new to me from my readers and, hopefully, sharing some information with my readers that may be new to them.

I'm interested in an opportunity to make some money and I think the opportunity may be in the franchise of The Hunger Games by Lionsgate Entertainment Corporate (LGF).  I know this isn't my typical blog post, but this IS stuff that interests me.  I just haven't shared much of this with you.  Here's my problem.  I never heard of The Hunger Games trilogy.  This is something that makes me skeptical.  However, I realize I am a woman in my 50's and I may not be the target audience for this franchise.  So, I'm bringing this to you wonderful (and much younger) readers.  I'd like you to comment on this post regarding your opinion on The Hunger Games book trilogy and your interest in seeing the upcoming movie (release date March 23, 2012).

I will tell you that Lionsgate Entertainment Corporate (LGF) is currently trading on the Nasdaq at $12.12.  Analysts believe that this fairly small independent film studio could make significant profits off this franchise.  This studio is responsible for 2005's oscar best picture winning film, Crash, oscar nominated, Juno, and the tv show Mad Men, among others.  Feel free to google them.

I would appreciate your participation in my research and I encourage you to get involved in learning how to make your money work for you.  Enjoy the trailer.


  1. i know the books have certainly got their hype...and i know plenty that love them so i imagine this will be good...i love CRASH too....

  2. No youngster here either.  And especially no money.   :)  Good luck with that.

  3. Thanks for reading, Lynn.  I know this was not my typical write.  :)

  4. i've heard of the hunger games but i've never read the books/seen the movie

  5. I haven't read these books, but Cade loves them and will definitely want to see this movie! I'm impressed that you're thinking along investment lines. I start feeling panicky just in reading words like "trading" and "Nasdaq."

  6. I've never heard of those games. I'm in my 40s and I'm clueless about games like that. ha! so I'm of no help. BUT i'm very interested in having my money work for me! I'll look into this. I'm always interested in learning new things. Thanks for sharing ways to make money!

  7. The Hunger Games are juvenile fiction books and the first one has been made into a new movie being released March 23

  8. Hunger Games is fantastic! My friend turned me on to the series after her SIL loaned her the books.  I devoured them! Most of my girls(I'm a youth leader) have read the series.  We're planning on seeing the movies, quite possibly as a youth group.  So far the trailer looks really good.  

     I'm not sure about the States, but here the Hunger Games has been integrated into the high school curriculum, helping to boost its popularity.  From those who've read it, I haven't heard any negative feedback.   

  9. Started the first book Saturday morning....finished it Sunday night :)  Not a dull word in the book.

    Question (from JPT): how is the money divided?...who gets it first? when does lionsgate get their money?  How did the stock change after crash?

  10. Clearly I am WAY behind in blog reading, but what the heck, tonight I am catching up. I think it would be a good buy. I read the series 6 months ago at the recomednation of a friend who is a 5th grade teacher - all of her students were / are reading it and she tries to keep up with what they are reading. They were good - not quite Twilight good, but good. My book club is reading these books - a group of 12 30-40 year old women, and they are all excited.... So it would seem it will span the ages! Buy!


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