
Friday, January 20, 2012

Can I call myself a writer?

Look to the right.  In the margin.  See my profile?  It says "I've been blogging for a year. I'm not a writer, but I think I have something to say."  Well, I guess I consider myself a writer now.  What am I thinking?  I'm entering a writing contest being hosted by the college.  I read the requirements for the contest.  The requirements opened the contest to current students and alumni.  I was disappointed.  I wanted to enter, but I am neither a current student, nor an alum.  I crafted an email requesting permission to enter the contest as a staff member of the college.  The faculty member and judge wrote back and said, "please submit an entry.  and please talk this contest up to other staff members."  The "Assault of Laughter" contest is being hosted by the Mark Twain Lecture series.  My entry needs to be a humorous piece and it needs to be 1000 to 2000 words.  I'm thinking of fleshing out my post, In Facebook, veritas.  I'm sure I won't win, but... I certainly won't win if I don't try.  I'm stretching myself some more.  It's a little scary.  I'll keep you posted. 


  1. woohoo way to go you! cant wait to hear how it goes...

  2. Oh, this is perfect for you! Because you ARE a writer, and you ARE funny. Write about the school bus. I laughed so hard, and it's really stuck with me.

  3. That's good that you asked and got the answer you wanted.  Good job!

  4.  I'd really have to flesh that one out.  It was funny.  I'll work on that one, too.

  5. oh neat!  i look forward to hearing more about the contest.  i hope they let your work in.  :)

  6. you go girl!!! am proud of you.

  7. I'm so excited!!!! YES YOU ARE A WRITER. What's the deadline? I'm sure you are going to write something funny. Looking forward to reading about the progress of the contest.

  8. Of course you are a writer!! This sounds like a really fun contest keep us posted!

  9. People with a lot less have called themselves a lot more.

  10. Girl, you are definitely a writer!

  11. Bad decisions often lead to good stories and sometimes TV movies!


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