
Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas child shoe boxes = happiness

I went shopping and gathered the booty for the Christmas child shoe boxes.  This is the project I wrote about in my post about doing Christmas differently this year.  It was so much fun.  I can't believe how much it helped get me in the Christmas spirit.  I'm going to take a pic of each of us (husband, son and me) and add an envelope with our pics and a short note wishing Christmas joy and hope for the child opening the box.  I was able to go shopping with a co-worker on my lunch break.  It was wonderful to share the true meaning of Christmas with someone I usually don't talk about stuff like that with.  I can feel the Holy Spirit softening my heart.  It was fun and encouraging, to both of us.  I'm working on my Thanksgiving thankfulness list, next.  I need to write it down this year.  I think the season has been kicked off to a good start.  Oh, and I hope the church ladies have extra shoe boxes, 'cause I didn't have any at my house.

Gifts for three shoe boxes
Booty = kick ball, lego car, lifesavers, boxers, socks, uno card game, crayons, markers, composition book, pencils and sharpener, toothpaste, toothbrush, and dental floss.  (yeah, I don't know if a 5-9 year old boy wants floss, but, really, taking care of your gums is so important for good health in general.  :))


  1. score...these look like great innards for your christmas stockings...rock on...he will use the floss to build things of nothing else...

  2. oh nice with the shoe boxes..we are doing this here as well..most of them are going to rumania...great!

  3. I love the Christmas shoe boxes!  Perfect way to kick off the season.

  4. That's nice that you are doing that.

  5. What a great project!!!

  6. practical gifts are THE BEST! Dental floss is so good! A new tooth brush makes my girls so happy! They get so excited when they get to use a brand new tooth brush. So funny!

  7. My mom does Operation Christmas too.  :o)

  8. Love that you are doing the right thing for Christmas. You are in the holiday spirit.


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