
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


A swirl of steam wraps 'round
Cinnamon apple caramel cream
Dreams of leaf beds concealing me
Heaps of sweets say November's near

Leaves off trees whip 'round and 'round
Greens fade 'way to orange and sound
Golden brown crunch covers ground
Smokey smells seep through weeds

Snuggling in socks and sweaters now
Bid farewell to summer play
Resign ourselves to shorter days
Songs of Christmas say November's near


  1. nice..i love the cooler weather...and bundling up...and fires...and now please pass the caramel apples...smiles.

  2. And it's time for the fair here.  Yeah! 

  3. Your poem brings to life the welcome and the good-bye we encounter as the turning continues. Love it!

  4. November certainly brings with it so much to be thankful for.  Thank you for reminding us to take it all in and revel in every moment.

  5. Love this! Fall is my favorite season, orange is my favorite color, and snuggling up in an oversized sweater and my fuzzy socks (add some hot coffee) makes me smile.

  6. Novenmber?  Slow down HG!

  7. snuggling in socks and sweaters... you are wonderful at capturing the feel of something, friend. this makes me want to light a candle and hide under an afghan and read. :) love to you.

  8. Caramel, snuggling and crisp coolness - I love Autumn - Have you ever read, "When will the Snow Trees come?" - it is an autumn lover's book (for children but it so works for me:) - So glad to meet someone who feels about autumn the way I do:)

  9. This is really pretty!

  10. I like this because October seems to get all the attention in the fall, but November's a beautiful, yummy month too! Thanks for highlighting my B-day month too! :)

  11. Lovely prose to capture a season.  So glad you visited, left a comment at my place so I could find yours. Now to pull out a good book and where is that blanket?


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