
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dear Sweetheart,

Thank you for all you've done for our family during this difficult time in our lives.  Thank you for patching our roof with a patch strong enough to last for a year.  I know you worked for two days on this patch just to put my mind at ease and allow me peace while we traveled west.  I know, because I see them everyday, that a blue plastic tarp would have kept most of the rain out of our house, but it wouldn't have allowed me to enjoy my time away from the house.  That's what you did for me.  You scrubbed your fingerprints from your fingertips with your hard work.

Thank you for cutting up the trees and moving the debris to the side of the road.  I saw you out there in the drizzle working all day.  I know you did this for me.  The mess of the trees and dying leaves and you are out there cleaning it up.  All for me.  Because you know the chaos brings me so low.  Thank you for telling me our son was helpful in this process.  It helps me feel better about him when I think he has pleased you.  I love you both so much.

You are a very good man.  You have sacrificed so much of yourself for our family.  I know you have put your education to the side to work on our home.  I know you feel frustrated by the time passing during your dissertation process.  You are more than a PhD.  You have done more for our family with the time and effort you have spent trading options and managing our portfolio.  You are so smart.  And lucky.  I thank God for the luck he has given you.  I know the luck comes from your good sense and your willingness to work hard.  So, what I mean is, I thank God for you.  If you decide to continue your schoolwork, I will support you in every way.  I feel I can do more in our home restoration process.  I am coming out of the depression I was feeling and I know I can do better.  *amazing what a good night's sleep will do.

Thank you for reminding me of your love for me.  I know my self doubt and whining must be so annoying.  Yet you are always there to boost my spirit.  I want to do the same for you, and yet it doesn't come easily for me.  And you love me anyway.  You understand my character flaws and love me in spite of them.  And I appreciate this more than I can say.  I love you so much.  I often feel unworthy of the love you have for me, and that is why I doubt it sometimes.  Thank you for understanding this about me.

It is said our true nature is revealed in adversity.  You have a generous, loving, compassionate nature.  This is what has been revealed to our family.  I hope these words convey the depth of my feelings for you.  I want to be your partner in this life.  I want to be strong for you.  Thank you for being there for me while I was down.  Thank you for appreciating me when I don't appreciate myself.  If you ever find yourself doubting yourself, stop.  You are a very good man.  One of the best.


  1. Ah. You are both so blessed.

  2. stopped by from emily's...beautiful words to your important not to take each other for granted.  

  3. Will he see this?  I hope so.  He sounds like a lovely man.

  4. this is beautiful...what a cool letter...thank you for sharing this and may your love grow ever deeper...

  5. Yes I did see, very sweet and public note from my darling wife. Some people see her as a little bit harsh, but she is just honest and speaks her mind, and I really love her and the way she is. Took me a few years to used to that! The roofers aren't going to appreciate the patch she likes so much, it's screwed in.

  6. Thanks for the sweet comment, adversity does reveal much and we came through this together, you were awesome too! Thanks for emptying the 5 gallon buckets of water when I handed them down from the waterfall in the attic!

  7. Love out in the open. It blesses all of us!

  8. I love this, and I love that your husband is seeing this too! Us wives to to tell our husbands these kinds of things more often! Blessings to both of you!

  9. This is beautiful my friend!

  10. Cool - I gotta be like this more often.  Work...

  11. this made me cry.

    i love your husband's comment too.

  12. mark and jennifer douganSeptember 29, 2011 at 10:03 PM

    I love seeing you being your husband's biggest fan and bragging on him. It's a wonderful habit and discipline. Good job!

    Jennifer Dougan


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