
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Home sweet home

I am glad to be home.  There is just something so good about home, even if you don't like where you live all that much.  It's yours.  Your bed.  Your couch.  Your space.  There is a serenity in going into your room and having your space and privacy.  I love to travel and visit people.  I love to eat out and talk and drink and socialize.  I REALLY love coming home.

So, I am home.  Yesterday I stayed home to catch up on the laundry and general "get back to a routine" that comes with a week of being away.  First of all, the dog missed us.  He may be old, and just about blind, and I'm pretty sure he's deaf, and has a hard time climbing the stairs, but he knows whether we are home or not.  So yesterday I stayed home all day and he stayed by my side the entire day.  Job one, done.  I helped the dog to feel secure and cared for again. 

Secondly, I had to do laundry.  Now, you may think this was a chore, but au contraire mon frere.  I was doing my laundry in a State Of The Art, High Efficiency Top Loading Kenmore Elite washing machine, with matching dryer.  *Let the oohing and aahing begin.  Yes, it was magnificent.  I must tell you, I have to learn how to do laundry all over again.  My laundry looked pitiful in this 7.4 cubic foot capacity machine.  Next time I do wash I'll post it as my status on fb and get my friends to bring their dirty clothes to my house, we'll have a party and everyone will go home with clean clothes and a pleasant attitude.  Wow, you can fit a lot of clothes or towels or bedspreads or WHATEVER in that baby.  But, like all good things, there is a down side.  I have no idea how this sucker works.  I cannot see how the clothes move around inside that agitatorless tub.  After you listen to the lovely chimes as the machine powers up, then select the method (and there are a lot of these, please hand me the instruction book), and then press START, the lid on the machine LOCKS.  Click.  Sounds I have never heard coming from a washing machine begin.  It is a complete mystery to me.  I cannot tell you how curious I am.  I need to do some kind of internet search to discover what is going on in there.  If any of you know, please share.  Seriously.  :)

My final joy in being in my own home was my opportunity to indulge in one of my guilty pleasures, Hoarders on A&E.  Oh my, it was a good one.  I dvr this program and I am not allowed to watch it while my husband is IN THE HOUSE.  The show creeps him out, completely.  I have to tell you; this particular episode was especially gag evoking.  I admit, I gagged.  The guy on this particular episode had a one year old and a two year old living in the trailer with him.  The two year old had a cough that rattled MY stomach.  The psychologist sent to TALK TO this guy, and by talk to I mean hit him upside the head with a 2"x4", said it was the worst smelling place she had EVER been.  And she does this for a full-time job.  In fact, I had to pause the show and collect myself.  It happens.  This particular episode motivated me to clean out my pantry.  I couldn't feel good about myself until I had thoroughly purged and cleaned my pantry.  I had Kool Aid packets in there that were 15 years old.  *hanging head in shame*  I don't make Kool Aid anymore.  I had those Cookies in a Mason Jar things from two Christmases ago.  Yeah, I was becoming a hoarder.  My pantry is the picture of organization and freshness.  I feel SO MUCH better about myself.

So, home sweet home.  I'm here for a couple weeks and then off to Reno, NV for the Naval Aviation Tailhook convention.  I'm going to have to bring back pictures from this trip.  The way I've been traveling this summer, maybe I should be writing a travel blog instead of a slice of life blog.  Hmmm.


  1. hoarders gives me shivers sometimes and i have been in a few of those homes..ack...glad you are home as i am sure the pups is...

  2. You've been quite the traveler lately!  So lucky.  :)

  3. I went to Ikea today... brought about dreams of having my own house, my own sofa, my own place to come home to. Enjoy being home and, especially, I hope you can truly enjoy having a home that you love!!

  4.  I LOVE Ikea.  So I'm guessing you were at the College Park Ikea.  :)

  5.  I would have such a difficult time being in a home like that.

  6. I am always glad to be back home too.  No place like it!

  7. It's always so lovely to come home.  I'm sure your dog did miss you. 


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