
Friday, May 20, 2011


Maranatha, is an Aramaic word that translates as:  Our Lord, come!  I'm sure many of you have heard of the prediction by Harold Camping for the end of the world tomorrow, May 21, 2011.  My understanding is he has figured out some biblical mathematical formula to confirm his prediction.  Also, there are facebook "Looting after the Rapture" events popping up.  As well as "Rapture Parties" and other similarly titled events.  Both these turn of events give me pause.

Mr. Camping, I hope, is trying to get the attention of believers and non-believers to the truth of the bible when it says Jesus will return.  I hope this is his goal.  I don't know.  Maybe he truly believes he knows the date and time of our Lord's return.  This "knowing" is not biblical, but on the other hand, a firm denial of this speculation is not biblical.  We are promised that no man knows when the Lord will return.  I've always felt comfort in this.  Don't get me wrong, tomorrow would be a GREAT day for the Lord to return.  I pray, often, for Him to not tarry long.  So, I guess we will see what tomorrow will bring.

As far as the parties and looting events planned for May 22, 2011.  These truly make me sad.  I know people are doing it as a joke and making light of the PREDICTION.  I know (or really really hope) this is a mocking of Mr. Camping and NOT a mocking of our Lord or His return.  The bible warns us of those mocking our Lord's return or His timing. 

I'm certainly not a bible scholar.  I usually don't use this blog to preach or get up on a soapbox.  I hope this didn't appear like that.  I do care about people.  I do want everyone to come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  I believe in the Great Commission and try to show my christian faith in my everyday life.  I pray this prediction brings people to an understanding of their need for a savior.  I pray they turn to God and repent of their sins.  I pray this every day, not just the day before The End Of The World.

Maranatha!  Our Lord, come!


  1. i went out and bought light bulbs just in case...smiles...i highly doubt the prediction and unfortunately i think things like this do more damage than good actually...esp when they dont come true....dont think we will know the date or time...

  2. I definitely think (and hope) it is mostly a mocking of those who try to predict the date and time, like Mr. Camping has done.  I too long for the day when Jesus returns and justice and mercy are perfect, however my focus is on what I can do now as Jesus'/God's hands in the world to help the Kingdom come.  I'm sad for those who so focus on the next "world" that they shirk their responsibility to the current creation.   

  3. amen! I agree with the no one knows plan, too.

    and you didn't sound 'preachy'.

  4.  I don't mind the jokes.  I assume that they are mocking the prediction.  

    Like Brian, I think that these type of predictions do more harm than good.  I fear that they only reinforce the opinions of non-believers that it's all bunk.

  5. i'm whispering maranatha alongside you. come, Lord Jesus. 

  6. I"m still bout you?

  7.  It sure does paint us with the loony brush.

  8.   A true believer knows not even Jesus knows the day or hour. Its just a cult-ish way to scheme money in the name of Christianity and its embarrassing to real believers.

  9.  It's silly to think we can predict the day when Jesus says nobody knows but the Father. When Martin Luther was asked what he would do if he knew the Lord was coming back he replied, "I would plant an apple tree." In other words, he would continue doing what he always does, living life, serving the Lord. I get too lost in the busyness and circumstances of life and sometimes forget what life is all about, Him! 

  10.  Love this.  I'm so glad you commented on my post.  I think you nailed this and I thank you.  Come back anytime.

  11.  Hi Amber.  Yep, this is my take as well.  Although, I was a bit bumbed it didn't happen.  Yeah, I'm ready for heaven.

  12. It sure has raised awareness of the Lord's return. While I don't agree with the setting the date (not scriptural) maybe in a strange way this is his way to get people thinking along those lines. As for the mockers--I'm with you.. like the people in the days of Noah except I want everyone to be saved.  and I take no pleasure in those who mock. I pray for them.  Jesus came to seek and save the lost.  He wishes that all men be saved.   I am living my life now, but looking forward to seeing Jesus face to face.  In the meantime I'm here on a mission to spread the love and mercy of God. 

  13. Thanks for reading Annie.  I'm glad to have more time on this earth to be salt and light, but I still pray maranatha.  Please read again.  I love followers


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