
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A bird pooped on me

This morning while walking from my car to my office a bird pooped on my hand.  I've heard getting pooped on by a bird can be considered good luck.  I can't imagine why this is something some people think, but evidently it is.  Maybe there is something about the randomness of it?  Maybe it's because it's a good thing cows can't fly?  Who knows?  Anyway, today ended up being a very good day.

This morning I got to work and my boss gave me 2 lbs. of my favorite coffee.  He told me he was in Trader Joe's and he just thought of me and the fact that he knows I like TJ's coffee, so he bought it for me.  Then I got a call from my girlfriend.  She had the name of a family with real Christmas needs this year.  There are four children and a mom and dad that are really hurting this year.  My small group bible study is giving them Christmas from soup to nuts, and by soup to nuts I mean a decorated tree, gifts, Christmas dinner and groceries and heating oil for a month.  There is just something about sharing the joy of the Christmas season with a family that really needs it.  Both the mom and dad have been laid off work since the summer.  (yeah, I know I'd love to get 99 weeks of unemployment, but I wouldn't want to lose my husband's pension.  I know I'm blessed.)  I found the perfect gift for my son, and I didn't even have to leave my desk.  I was able to give someone exactly what they wanted for Christmas and it didn't even cost me a dime.  Today APPL is up $10 and you know that's been a long time coming.  One of my co-workers put in his resignation today.  I don't know if I'll actually miss him, but he said he'll miss me.  Then he gave me a giant bag of candy for the candy jar on my desk.  My husband took me to my favorite restaurant for lunch and the special for lunch was my favorite, the seafood bisque.  I haven't even reached the end of the work day and so far, it's been a great day.  I can't wait to see what happens when I get home.

So if you're wondering if it's good luck if a bird poops on you, in my experience, it is. 

716.  My favorite coffee
717.  My favorite soup
718.  Giving someone the perfect gift
719.  Decorating Christmas trees
720.  Driving around at night and looking at Christmas lights
721.  Eggnog (but not too much)
722.  My small group bible study (I know I've said this before, but they are the BEST)
723.  Watching a big pine tree get cut down from my office window
724.  Smelling the scent of pine in my office and at just about every house I visit
725.  Christmas cookies


  1. Oops.  Reminds me of the time a dog urinated on my back while I was sitting waiting for the school bus.  

    Helping a family with everything this Christmas is a wonderful way to share God's love.  It makes me happy to hear of those kinds of stories.  I hope your great day continues.

  2. dang...if you see a crazy guy running around trying to get a bird to poop on him...that is probably me...haha...not a bad rest of the day....does it go away if you wipe it off or do i have to leave it? smiles.

  3. Well, I've never heard the bird poop theory before...but glad you had a great day!  Thanks for your sweet comment on my Christmas tree.  I like it too. :)

  4. Man that is good luck.  I need some of that bird poop!!!

  5. Well today i got pooped on by a bird and then on my way back home I saw the boy that I'm totally in love with

  6. I just had a similar experience. Got pooped on while walking my dogs this morning. I have been searching for a job for the longest and haven't found anything and I also have been needing a new vacuum being that mine broke and I didn't have the money to get a new one. So first my grandfather came to visit me and we went to Walmart and he paid for a $150 vacuum for me. Then later we went out to eat and I stopped a manager at the job to ask if they were hiring. He immediately got me an application and had me fill it out and told me to come in the tomorrow to fill out paperwork so they can get me started training Monday. I'm not really superstitious but I just remembered hearing that a bird pooping on you is good luck and found it odd that I basically got hired on the spot with no interview or anything when there were a stack of other People who'd turned in applications before me


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